Fields of Study
Test Ready Tutoring Services covers several different areas of study. We have tutors from a wide variety of different disciplines, which allows us to find a tutor perfect for your learning needs.
Math & Science
Looking for help with your math or science classes? Our tutors are experts in Ontario elementary and secondary school course materials, and can teach you to better understand and thrive in your classes (K-12).
Writing and Presentation
Want to learn how to better your writing before your next essay, or improve your public speaking skills prior to your next presentation? We can teach you to write cohesively and efficiently, as well as to present clearly. Our tutors are experts in written and verbal communication, and can teach you skills that will not only help you on your next assignment, but prepare you for post-secondary education and future employment.
Professional Software
A necessity in post-secondary education and the workplace, is an understanding of professional industry software. Our tutors can teach you how to use industry leading software like Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), Canva, and Adobe Creative Cloud (Premiere Pro, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.).
Anything else?
Our services are not limited to those listed above. If you need help in any classes, or are simply looking to learn more about a subject of interest, send us an email and we'll match you up with a tutor that can help out!
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